When you see Chuckie just before his teddy bear is returned to him by Kimmi's mother, you see him holding the bear already.
When Reptar's head falls off, it is shown crashing through many rows of seats. When the shot pulls back from the stage, the head has stopped in the first row.
When Kira first calls Stu to tell him to come to Paris, the clock next to him says it's 3:03. Upon accidentally picking up the baby bottle, the clock is out of frame, and when it cuts back to it when he picks up the phone, it says it is 3:00.
When Spike urinates on the Eiffel Tower, we see it with a brick base. The real Eiffel Tower does not have that.
In the scene where the crew is on the plane, the babies are shown as being much larger relative to the seats than normal babies would actually be. It is possible (though not likely) that it was a small plane with small seats, but the adults are shown to be the same size relative to the seats.
When Angelica steps on Coco's wedding dress train causing it to tear, she is first seen stepping on it from a distance but as soon as it rips Angelica is seen directly behind Coco.
As Chaz, Stu and the kids are in the elevator heading up to Coco's office, the exterior of the see thru elevator lifts in the building changes between shots.
When Coco's phone rings at the church Stu turns to look at her and his left eye mistakenly is shown as doubled.
As Chas, Stu and the kids ride the elevator up to Coco's office, the exterior of the building's elevators change appearances between shots.
Near the end of the movie when the families rejoice after Coco leaves the church Howard is shooting with a camera and is heard saying "smile for the camera!" but his lips don't move.
(at around 49 mins) When Coco is singing on stage and Chuckie approaches, he is heard saying "For eber and eber...", but his mouth is clearly not moving.
Coco LaBouche tells Kira that she wants Stu Pickles in Paris in 24 Hours.After calling and telling them that he can bring his family and friends. The Babies are shown getting passport photos taken. However passports, typically take 6 to 8 weeks to get back and therefor would not make the deadline.
No one seems concerned or even notices that Spike is missing.
Chas mispronounces Jean-Claude's name as
John Claude.