Essentially a musical comedy produced by Cinedistri, this thematic picture was ridding high along the fifties, at least a dozen musical numbers were scattered on storyline some off topic, however mostly concerning carnival season at Rio de Janeiro, the plot summarized consists in a crook Juca Moleza (Renato Restier) posing as rich man made a bold plan to steal a packed of valuable diamonds jewelry in a lavish rented mansion using a beauty bombshell Maria Xangai (Renata Fronzi) as his phony upper class wife.
Although everything going upside down when Juca decides sponsor a small samba school, then came up the leading roles the clumsy-moronic Peteleco (Ankito) and the witty Laurindo (Grande Otelo), on the private parade several gorgeous girls wearing those diamond jewelry Peteleco ends up engulfing an expensive piece of diamond, then the plan frustrates, so the gang at once tries recover the precious stone even recurring a drastic process to aiming for withdraw it by any means.
Amusing for its period of time, nonetheless this grimace humor no longer is funny nowadays, the highlight at musical is the greater singer Nelson Gonçalves, aside Jamelão and Emilinha Borba all remaining singers are unknown, the comic Costinha was paving a solid career in a still crawling process of Brazilian cinema industry as stereotyped character as Zezê Macedo as well.
Thanks for reading.
First watch: 1993 / How many: 2 / Source: TV-Youtube / Rating: 6.