When Bill Hicks was asked about Denis Leary stealing his jokes in this show, Bill joked "I have a scoop for you. I stole his act. I camouflaged it with punchlines, and to really throw people off, I did it before he did."
The night of the show's taping, the crew set up but through some error gave the actors no access to the bathroom. Just before the show, Denis Leary had to take a shit badly, but had no way of getting to it. Chris Phillips took a look at the crowd and seeing no way to get Denis to the bathroom without making the audience believe the show had started, handed Denis a mop bucket and a roll of toilet paper, and sent him into a separate room backstage. (During a documentary on the show featured on the DVD, Denis was filmed pulling his pants down and squatting over the bucket.)
Denis wrote this show while in England when what was supposed to be a weekend getaway with his then-six months pregnant wife turned into a nearly six month stay when her water broke on the eve of their departure and their son, Jack, was born prematurely and had to be initially hospitalized under round-the-clock care, and then the both of them had to stay in England until he was at a point where he could handle a pressurized cabin on an airplane. (Denis touched on this at the beginning of his book of the script to this show, and his wife, Ann Leary, wrote an entire memoir about the experience called, "An Innocent, A Broad".)
He jokingly said his book was going to be called, "Shut the Fuck Up" and be by Dr. Denis Leary. Coincidentally, his first book, "Why We Suck", was written after he had received an honorary Doctorate from his alma mater, Emerson College, and thus was by "Dr. Denis Leary".