This show is pretty mediocre. Actually, what makes it worth watching are its poorer points, because they make the show funny. First of all, I can't think of a more annoying host than Page Davis. She is just so totally phoney and slappable. Then we have a team of about 8 designers who apparently come on the show in some sort of rotation (or they keep getting fired) and just about all of them are incredibly uptight and socially inept. It is truly funny watching guests react to the obnoxious enthusiasm of the "cast" from this show.
I particularly enjoy it when one of the designers intentionally go way over the top with a room as a form of revenge at whomever's p**sed them off at the time (I recall one episode where one of the gay,leather-wearing designers has a tiff with the guests and they end up decorating pistacio green, orange, and brown).
Then of course, my favorite is watching people open their eyes to their newwly redecorated room and pretending to be flattered at what is obviously an utterly horrible job. The wide eyes and repeated useage of the word "cool", all the while repeatedly glancing over at their teammate to see if they're equally horrified is just a riot. Page does a great job of playing up the tension by over acting and dramatizing just how wonderful and tra la la la fun it has all been!
What makes this show annoying is how they once in a while have a cool new idea, but fail to adequately explain how to reproduce the idea for yourself.
Summary: Pretty much a waste of time if you have the time to waste.