This prize winning film has been rewarded with a general release in the UK, a rarity for a short these days, though seniors like myself remember when it was quite usual. The "plot" is that a 7 year old girl is waiting for her father outside a bar in the pouring rain, in a dreary part of Glasgow. While waiting, and becoming soaking wet, she has several encounters, before her father emerges, revealing himself, as we expected, to be a foul-mouthed brute. There is hardly any relief to the film's gloomy mood, and watching it, even for only 11 minutes, is quite depressing. The acting, however, is excellent, especially Heather Keenan as neglected waif, Teenie. Let's hope that director Irvine Allan and others involved move on to less sombre vehicles for their talent, and that these also receive a general release.