Fanny Ardant credited as playing...
- Louise: She
- [Pierrette]
- Louise: asked me to keep quiet and gave me 10,000 francs.
- Pierrette: Which I regret, you hussy.
- Louise: What?
- Pierrette: Everyone knows you sleep around.
- Louise: You know, since we sleep with the same ones, let me explain the bribe. I overheard you say to Monsieur, "Give me the money or you'll die."
- Pierrette: No I said, "I'll die."
- Louise: No, "You'll die."
- Pierrette: My poor Louise! Your word is no good, you're just a maid.
- Louise: Nor is yours. You're just a whore.
- Pierrette: Which I prefer.
- Pierrette: As you ladies want the whole truth, I'd like to add a tidbit of information you lack.
- Gaby: What is it this time?
- Pierrette: Marcel and your new maid, Louise, have known each other for five years.
- Gaby: What?
- Pierrette: Five years of rented rooms and secret weekends. This winter you needed a maid, so Louise got hired.
- [leaning in towards Gaby]
- Pierrette: It's called "in-home service."