The first instalment of a trilogy written and directed by Cédric Klapisch, which follows the journey of Xavier from student to family man. This is followed by "Les poupées russes", released in 2005, and completed with "Casse-tête chinois", released in 2013.
In the English subtitles, several sections are purposefully translated incorrectly to preserve the humorous nature of the film. The list of strange names around Paris is changed to "Honolulu, Punxsutawney, Piccadilly, Massachusetts, Saskatoon and Machu Picchu."
In the scene in which Wendy mispronounces "Xavier n'est pas la..." the English subtitles say "Xavier eez not here..."
In the scene in which Wendy mispronounces "Xavier n'est pas la..." the English subtitles say "Xavier eez not here..."