"Sarah James (Melanie Griffith) lives on danger's edge every day as the courier for a ruthless French black market dealer. Her boyfriend, Jack Ganzer (Hugh Dancy), is a handsome, young American expatriate she's seduced into becoming her partner in crime. But, when Jack unexpectedly meets and falls for Jenny Travile (Rachael Leigh Cook), a sexy but seemingly naive jewelry shop clerk, he quickly finds himself trapped in a treacherous love triangle filled with suspicion, vengeance, and murder. This riveting thriller will keep you guessing until the very end," according to the DVD sleeve description.
"Tempo" opens with its exciting car chase climax, then goes into flashbacks leading up to there. Possibly, they had no other way to begin this movie. Next up, you get mild erotica with Ms. Griffith, as the still sexy older woman, wrapping her legs around Mr. Dancy, as the attractive young stud. And, that's about all there is to this downhill film. The chase winds up being the culmination of an unappealing heist storyline. Only Dancy shows skin throughout. Griffith gives her character more vulnerability than the film deserves. And, Ms. Cook is almost completely, and uncharacteristically, nondescript.
**** Tempo (6/10/03) Eric Styles ~ Melanie Griffith, Hugh Dancy, Rachel Leigh Cook, Art Malik