... watching a 2nd time... story of the unhappy-girlfriend.. her-new-lover & the oblivious-doormat-boyfriend unfolds-clearer
... crux of the entire film 'Summer-of-Love' is laid-out in the first ten-fifteen minutes... actually it's an end-beginning-romance-film... Amanda's father's premature death triggering in-her realization she's no-longer in-true-love w-good-guy-Tom... more-than-likely never-had-been (not-in-a-way her-inner-desires-passions-crave)... once gorgeous-bad-boy-Michael enters into her life.. all that's left is for them to declare-their-love for-one-another & for her to-soon-give-him 'the-call' once they're back home in-real-everyday-life
... once she mentioned while alone in bed w-Tom that she 'doesn't-wanna-hurt-him'.... really.. guess stringing-him-along for most-of-an-entire-summer fully-enjoying-sexcapades w-both-of-'em (at times Tom-just-watching not-participating) is-her-version of-'doing-no-harm'... Tom declared-early-on he was not going to-be-putting-up w-it... &-he-foolishly goes-&-does-anyway
... script isn't all-that-bad.. just acting-directing that's-very-uneven.. dialogue coming-out-at-times like they're all sitting around a 1st-table-reading... a reviewer mentioning least it comes to a-happy-conclusion... for Amanda & Michael that might-be-true... Tom's just awaiting his-being-dumped.. or-worse-still he-stays-remains-voyeur in their-'love-triangle' till-he-can stomach-no-more.