Why the praise? Are wrestling fans this desperate for an alternative to the down right insulting WWE product? Just like WCW, the fed that TNA has a terrible time not looking and sounding just like, the production values, announcing and cheese totally overshadow the talent. It's seriously like watching WCW Thunder week end and week out.
However, this fed has a lot of good points. Most X-Division matches, while complete spotfests, are good and exciting... thanks entirely to the talent and no one else. They say the tag team cage match from a few weeks back is looking like the Match of the Year, but that's BS. Anybody can mat wrestle for five minutes then randomly jump off a cage for ten more.
One thing I do like about this promotion is that the main event matches often are better and more exciting than the undercard, something that's hardly ever been seen. Raven's the only reason to watch... he makes it believable, even overtop of Don West's rambling.
2/10 for a promotion, 8/10 for the talent.