The House That Jack Built is a short lived BBC sitcom that aired in 2002 and ran for only 6 episodes. The sitcom centers around Jack Squire (Adam Faith) a successful property developer whom has gotten rich and dreams of turning his family into a dynasty. However, his dysfunctional family are selfish, ungrateful and don't always appreciate Jack and his ambitions for the family. The members of Jack's family are Maxine (Gillian Taylforth) Jack's supportive wife. Their children: Lisa (Kellie Bright) Jack's spoilt and manipulative daughter whom takes advantage of Jack and his wealth and fortune. Roger, Jack's oldest son whom is trying to break away from his father and become his own person and Jack's youngest son JJ whom doesn't care about Jack or his business and only cares about cars and girls. Roger's wife Vicky (Carli Norris) frequently antagonizes Jack and doesn't always agree with Jack and has a deep hate for him and makes outrageous accusations that Jack slept with her.
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