A Leech of Industry
Old Romanoff has found Russia too hot for a person of his political beliefs and activities and has come to America with his sons. The boys obtain jobs in a factory, where are employed many o... Read allOld Romanoff has found Russia too hot for a person of his political beliefs and activities and has come to America with his sons. The boys obtain jobs in a factory, where are employed many of their own race, and Alex soon becomes acquainted with Irma, whose charms make a deep imp... Read allOld Romanoff has found Russia too hot for a person of his political beliefs and activities and has come to America with his sons. The boys obtain jobs in a factory, where are employed many of their own race, and Alex soon becomes acquainted with Irma, whose charms make a deep impression upon him. Of glib tongue and good looks, he easily wins the unsophisticated girl a... Read all