The original Australian version of the film had a runtime of 104 minutes (24fps). For the US release, about seven minutes of footage was removed for a runtime of 97 minutes (24fps). The following footage was removed for the US release. (Runtimes correspond to the 25fps PAL version.)
2:23 - 4:46: The introduction of Wayne's character working for charter flights and the introduction of Molly's character's with her first day on the job as a constable and being asthmatic. 27:18 - 30:07 The bunker scene is extended with more arguing between the characters and the police trying to confiscate Marion's guns. 31:14 - 31:54 In the bunker, Molly tries to offer calming words with an old memory, but does not help. 61:15 - 61:54 After driving away from the wall, the van scene is extended with the characters questioning about what happened to Molly and about the mysterious cloaked figure they saw. 63:14 - 64:06 Arriving back in town, there is an extended scene of the characters getting out of the van and Wayne nervously trying to take charge of the group.