I wanted to give this movie a chance, even after the texas chainsaw massacre like start.
Four characters with baby in car driving through middle of nowhere, with nothing engaging to say.
When they break down & we get to the action it did start promisingly however after the initial victim departs it all goes swiftly downhill & i lost interest fast. The title is a misnomer, you only get to see devil worshippers in one scene & thats your lot, theyre not integral to the storyline at all. The continuity is poor & wardrobe lacking (i thought county cops in tennesee wore brown or green uniforms, surely black is a City cop outfit?) The one saving grace is a great performance by the Mrs Leeds character who holds your attention & the film together.
I could go on but why waste time? Late night film fare, to fall asleep to. Is the Jersey Devil supposed to be invisible??? I think they blew most of the budget on the door knocker !