Raphael Sbarge credited as playing...
Carth Onasi
- Carth Onasi: They say the Force can do terrible things to a mind. It can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity.
- Revan: I'm beginning to wonder if you're capable of trusting anybody.
- Carth Onasi: Well, you can stop wondering. I'm not.
- Revan Shan: Gamorrean pig-man!
- Carth Onasi: Oh, ouch. I think you hurt my man-feelings with that one.
- [Light Side; as the Star Forge sinks into the star and explodes, the Ebon Hawk flies free of the explosion]
- Admiral Dodonna: Carth! You made it!
- Carth Onasi: We couldn't let you start the victory party without us, Admiral.