Carolyn Seymour credited as playing...
Admiral Forn Dodonna • Helena Shan • Elora • Hidden Bek Lookout • Taris Citizen
- Admiral Dodonna: [in the dark side path, when Bastila uses her battle meditation to turn the tide, the Sith will destroy the Republic forces] It's hopeless, we've lost another capitol ship. All ships fall back, FALL BACK!
- Master Vandar Tokare: It is too late for us to retreat, Admiral. The Sith armada has cut us off.
- Admiral Dodonna: Then the Republic is doomed.
- [the Sith destroy the ship, kiling Admiral Dodonna and Master Vandar]
- Admiral Dodonna: We've done it, Vandar! The Star Forge is destroyed, and the Sith are routed!
- Master Vandar Tokare: But at what cost, Admiral? Where is the Ebon Hawk and her crew?
- [Light Side; as the Star Forge sinks into the star and explodes, the Ebon Hawk flies free of the explosion]
- Admiral Dodonna: Carth! You made it!
- Carth Onasi: We couldn't let you start the victory party without us, Admiral.