Bad ratings had this soap cut short to just 32 episodes. About other 30 episodes were shot that would never air.
Flora Martinez replaced the original Natalia Aguirre, which at first was played by Puerto Rican "Prisionera" actress Rebeka Montoya. The network asked for a change after seeing the first few episodes, supposedly because of lack of chemistry between her and Llamas, or perhaps the age difference.
The final episode aired on 6 May, just five days after production finished on the re-written two final episodes of the show.
Production took place from October 2004 to 1 May 2005 at the studios at Las Colinas in Irving, Texas, as well as in Oak Cliff, Uptown, Richardson, and many other locations around the Dallas metroplex. It was the first (and perhaps only) Spanish soap opera to be shot in Texas.
Roger Cudney played the only regular white American on the show, and the actor had to be brought from Mexico city! They could not find a good American actor with decent Spanish that fit the part of angry macho gringo.