- Coop: [in a Planet of the Apes style, sees the city in ruins] You maniacs! You blew it up! You blew it all to - wait... hope I didn't do this...
- Coop: All right, squid! You tried to wreck the city - again, made me go to some alternate dimension where Jamie is a bigger creep than usual, and you got me locked in a jail with no food? It's time to rumble!
- Gorrath: [somewhat calmly] Are you talking to me?
- Gorrath: [angrily] I'm on your side now, remember?
- Coop: Oh, sorry. Force of habit, I guess.
- Theme song: Living here in Jersey, fighting villains from afar / You've gotta find first gear in your giant robot car / *You* dig giant robots / *I* dig giant robots / *We* dig giant robots / *Chicks* dig giant robots / Nice.
- Kiva: Coop! Wait! I haven't finished fixing the CPU core!
- [Coop starts up Megas, it rampages through the wall of the car show Expo centre]
- Coop: It's okay! I stopped it!
- [the roof collapses]
- Coop: Well it's not all bad, least we can still salvage the cars...
- [Massive explosion]
- Coop: Erm... yeah... okay then! Who's up for popcorn chicken?