David O'Hara credited as playing...
- King Donnchadh: Impressive victory. Of course, the man who defeats Morholt might be expected to triumph here.
- Tristan: On behalf of Cornwall, I offer your daughter a place on our throne. As royal of England. United behind one leader.
- King Donnchadh: Isolde. Perhaps it is just that he who took a husband, provides one.
- Isolde: I'm yours!
- King Donnchadh: No, Tristan of Aragon has won you on behalf of Lorde Marke of Cornwall.
- Isolde: Am I just a chattel to be traded as your pleasure? Do I have no say in my own life?
- King Donnchadh: You have a duty to your King.
- Isolde: You are my father.
- King Donnchadh: Then obey me, daughter.
- King Donnchadh: I see how it is in Cornwall. My money is good enough. My alliance is good enough! But my daughter, you pass among your Lieutenants like a whore!
- Isolde: It's not like...
- King Donnchadh: I see no relation to me here. And there's no peace with this King!
- Lord Marke: There is no middle ground! Slay us! Or, slay him.
- King Donnchadh: Oblige them. - - Oblige them!