I don't know why I keep watching gay-themed movies when I hardly ever enjoy them - because they're mostly cheaply made with inexperienced actors, and corny or predictable.
'Eating Out' is a no brain cells required movie with a plot as simple as can be, which is maybe a good thing. It's sole purpose is to be sexy - or at least, trying to be. The film revolves around Caleb (Scott Lunsford) who gets dumped by his girlfriend, Tiffani. (By the way, all attempts to make Caleb appear straight, fails). Caleb then falls for Gwen (Emily Brooke Hands), but the only way to get close to her, is to pretend he is gay (!!!). Gwen believes him, and sets him up with her best (gay) friend, Marc (Ryan Carnes). Meantime Caleb's roommate, Kyle (Jim Verraros) - who is gay - is madly in love with Marc.
We once again have a gay-themed movie with a confused straight guy... oh, enough already, they're all so similar! The girls in the movie are overbearing and annoying - so much so that I wouldn't blame guys for turning gay!! The female actors over-acted to the point where it became cringe worthy. The male actors, thankfully, were much better and more believable. The dialogue had some funny moments, but were mostly forced and rather crude instead of actually funny.
The film's draw card is the hunky guys with their great bodies - especially well endowed Scott Lunsford who gives us a full frontal peek. This is the type of movie where you have to go in expecting very little, and might find it entertaining. I must admit it wasn't all that bad.