Michael Rapaport credited as playing...
- Ben: [playing pool] You know what your problem is, Hitch? You're all about the short game. You pick your shots based on what you see first, not what's necessarily best for you in the long run.
- Hitch: Well, all of us are not married to the woman of our dreams and about to have a baby. Now I'm very happy for you. It's just not for everybody. So please just leave me to my hot, sweaty, totally varied, wildly experimental short game.
- Ben: I was just talking about pool, but whatever.
- Hitch: Yeah, okay.
- Ben: Honestly, I just hope one day you're able to experience the unconditional love, trust and openness that I share with Grace every single day.
- Hitch: Is this really bar room talk?
- Ben: You need to listen to me, man. I'm serious. Because when you get to a place with a woman like that, it's so beyond anything physical, that when I think back to when I used to run around with you and chase all these really gorgeous but shallow women... I don't know, it's kind of ridiculous and vaguely pathetic.
- [two beautiful women walk in behind Hitch and Ben ogles them]
- Hitch: Yeah I see what you're saying. That's pathetic. *That's* pathetic.