I am not quite sure why it has not been released in any county other than Brazil, however I must say it definitely exceed my expectations. The idea I had for it of it being a poorly prepared romantic commercial comedy was proved in some ways wrong....in fact close to a feeling of Rainman I must confess it is a solid film based on what it intends and point to achieve, and it does it successfully.
A good and creative direction for its wise and innovative use in romantic relations of not so normal individuals, which has been seen to be misused and standardized in the past due to the little effort to use the element of the peculiar aspects of the condition of the characters in new areas of human relations, especially when it comes to romantic relations of two of them.
Also Radha Mitchell gives a better than average performance to which Hartnetts falls short, but not by much.
I recommend this film as a good and solid film work that achieves it's intentions to whoever has in mind the aims and limitations of such a romantic comedy, and takes it for what it is, sells and promises.