- Zsófi: [discussing partner selection criteria with Dóra] Honey, if all the women were waiting for the normal guy, the human race would long be extinct.
- [from the DVD subtitle]
- Paskó: Valmont is an idiot, Madame Tourvel is a spinster but they still screw. That's love. Then they die. That's drama.
- Tamás: "I deserve to suffer. I know I've made a fatal mistake and you'll never forgive, but please belive me I have always, always loved only you." Who the hell did the adaptation?
- Paskó: Why?
- Tamás: It's awful. It turns Valmont into a sentimental idiot.
- Dóra: He is an idiot who wants to screw every woman.
- Tamás: And he does, too.
- Dóra: By the way, his name is pronounced "Valmon," no T. It's French.