Neilen Benvegnu credited as playing...
- [Fingers approaches a kissing booth wearing platform boots to make him appear taller than normal]
- Hot Young Lady: Sweetie, aren't you a little young?
- [Fingers shakes his head while keeping a straight face]
- Boyfriend: Hey, kid. Did your mother say it was okay?
- [Fingers nods with a cunning grin on his face]
- Hot Young Lady: Just on the cheek, okay?
- [Fingers nods again and leans in to get a kiss; he then kisses the kissing booth woman on the lips as the boyfriend attempts to restrain him. The other kids get off a ride as they spot Fingers being restrained]
- Saul: [reacts to Fingers] Oh, my God!
- Tarqell: What's wrong?
- Saul: Get the bikes!
- [the kids scramble to get the bikes as Fingers is successfully apprehended by Boyfriend]
- Hot Young Lady: Now, I remember that kid! That's the same kid as last year!
- [the kids each get on their bikes and pedal to the rescue; Fingers managed to successfully break free and takes off]
- Boyfriend: [tosses Finger's boots towards him] Pervert!
- Hot Young Lady: God, he stole my gum!
- [Fingers is seen riding in Saul's sidecar with the Hot Young Lady's gum in his mouth]
- Narrator: [narrating] We never mentioned that night again because it was just too terrible to think what would've happened if that guy had caught Fingers. But mostly, because of what happened the next day.
- [the team are having cookies and lemonade in the dugout]
- Saul: Sammy says the cookies are great.
- Hayley Goodfairer: Thank you!
- Saul: Can he have the recipe?
- Hayley Goodfairer: Sure. I'll write it down for you.
- Saul: [observing the changes the girls made to the dugout] The dugout's very tastefully done.
- Jenny, Penny: Thanks.
- David Durango: [sternly] Saul.
- Saul: What?
- David Durango: [whispers] Shut up.
- Tarqell: [observing the orange decor of the dugout] Orange *is* my favorite color.
- Hayley Goodfairer: Mine too!
- [David kicks Tarqell]
- Tarqell: Ow! What?
- [Penny looks at David funny]
- Mac McKing: [referring to the lemonade Hayley made] Is this freshly squeezed?
- Hayley Goodfairer: Yes, thank you for noticing.
- David Durango: Mac!
- Mac McKing: What?
- David Durango: [whispers] Shut it.
- Hayley Goodfairer: [introduces herself and her teammates] Anyway, this is Jenny and this is Penny and I'm...
- Mac McKing, David Durango, Tarqell, Johnnie Smalls, Saul: [interrupting; annoyed] Hayley Goodfairer; we know.
- David Durango: [introducing the boys] This is Tarqell, Mac, Saul, and his brother, Sam. We call him "Fingers". He's deaf. Just look at him when you talk to him. He can read lips.
- Hayley Goodfairer: Ok.
- [whispers and waves at Fingers]
- Hayley Goodfairer: Hi.
- Tarqell: [observing the orange decor of the dugout] Orange *is* my favorite color.
- Hayley Goodfairer: Mine too!