Dennis Farina credited as playing...
LBJ 'Deuce' Fairbanks
- L.B.J. Deuce Fairbanks: Will you take a look at all of this crap.
- [Indicating the modern Las Vegas strip.]
- L.B.J. Deuce Fairbanks: Buried underneath all of this is a history; history of Las Vegas. It's the place where Moe Dalitz opened up his first burlesque club. Place where you can find a thirteen year old in a whorehouse if that was your pleasure. It was a place where the Jews and the blacks had to enter the casinos through rear entrances. By the way, on this corner right here, I stabbed a bum.
- L.B.J. Deuce Fairbanks: Let me tell ya how the internet screwed up poker, okay. When a guy sucks out on the river, on the internet, you cannot take the guy out in the parking lot and you cannot break his fuckin' knees.