Torched is a interesting little short film that is so brutal that will probably make you hide your family jewels deep somewhere and well
can we talk about the plot holes? Maybe not,Deanna a nurse who works at night you read what I just typed,who works at night as a nurse who walks out of her apartment in the day,yes she picked the wrong day to go out,when she approaches outside a masked man throws her back in and proceeds to rape her,traumatized and shaken after,she runs back to her apartment and goes to sleep. The next night Masked man walks in and tries to rape her but (oh yes!)Deanna has a taser and takes him down
This film was directed by Ryan Nicholson who worked in the August Underground sequel,this film isn't the least misogynistic as the awful I Spit On Your Grave but she does take the law or blowtorch for that matter,in her hands but she does do the brutal revenge very violently,Deanna a nice pretty woman who could've had been doing well in her life loses her mind and by a nice thoughtful twist but all is finally explained in an appropriately a lot of series of climaxes, which left me thinking how 1.Does anyone else besides her and Trevor live in the apartment building,since the captor screams loud enough that could've made a neighbor complain about it or 2. if she captured the assailant how did she managed to get a taser since she stayed in her apartment even the day before she was raped (3.)Why leave the door open or leave criminating evidence around (4.) have sex with the woman's friend since you already had sex with her.
But anyways I kinda have more questions but besides that we can still see Deanna descend into madness and maim,toast nuts(pun totally intended) and decapitate because we got to know her at inopportune time,poor girl she needs someone to love.