- Menerith: My son was taken, too.
- Moses: I grieve with you.
- Menerith: You... grieve? Wasn't this your doing?
- Moses: It was God's.
- Menerith: You willed it. Ramses will give you your freedom now. Your God won. I think your God is a cruel one.
- Aaron: Years ago, Pharaoh sent his soldiers to kill our children.
- Menerith: I wasn't among them! My son wasn't there! Why should we be punished?
- Moses: I do what God tells me.
- Zipporah: Why is God punishing you? He's taken your brother Menerith, made you turn your back on Jethro who's like a father to you, turn your back on me, on your sons. How much more will He take from you? Is what you're seeking worth what it's costing you?
- Rani: What if he is the one who is destined to bring down the Pharoah? If power is meant to change hands, if this child, if he is the future, if he is the chosen one, then he will bring wealth and power to those he thinks of as his family. You saved his life, he must know that, he must know what he owes you and me.
- Egyptian Priest: If the idea of God had any meaning, there could only be one all-powerful God. But if men started to question what they had been told to believe since the world began, what else might they begin to question? One God. A ridiculous idea. Far better that there be as many Gods as there are men, if only to keep us priests employed.