- Francis Hamilton: The twins. They've always been distant from the family. Wendell is the main reason why we move a lot. He just got out of jail for biting some guy's ear off in a Cheesy Chuck's pizza parlor up north. Darlene is just as mean but more refined. Like when we were kids, she used to lock me in the closet just to hear me scream, and hours later would let me out, pretending she was the one who saved me. And I always fell for it.
- David Hamilton: [talking to Paul about working at a slaugherhouse] I'm a carver. I take out organs, prep them, stuff like that.
- Darlene Hamilton: Yes, David has had a real knack for gutting the life out of things.
- David Hamilton: [nervously laughing] Thank you Darlene!
- Francis Hamilton: We live with a disease. Mom used to say it was the one thing that kept us close. I always thought it would be the one thing that keeps us apart. But I was wrong, and everything you thought you knew about us was wrong. We live in the houses next to you. We work in the stores you shop at. Our kids play with your kids. We're just trying to be an ordinary family. Trying to figure out where we fit in, in the world. But we do need blood, and we need a lot of it. Fruitly fresh, and not frozen.
- [first lines]
- Francis Hamilton: What does it mean to be happy? To be content in the world around you? Mom used to say it was family. That family was the heart of everything, even existence. Without it, there's nothing. She would always have these simple answers that somehow would sound so brilliant. And then she died. My father died along with her. Shortly after that, my brother David had to sell the farm where we grew up. Now we're just trying to be an ordinary family. Trying to figure out where we fit in the world. And for me, I'm trying to figure out where I belong, right now in this exact moment.
- David Hamilton: Morning sleepyhead! You want some breakfast?
- Darlene Hamilton: Why do you even bother?
- David Hamilton: Because that's what families do. They have breakfast together.
- David Hamilton: I'm off and you go to school.
- Francis Hamilton: I really don't fit in there.
- David Hamilton: Look, I know it's hard for you, but can you please at least try?
- Francis Hamilton: Why? It's not my fault we're always moving!
- Wendell Hamilton: [walking in] You're right, Francis. It's my fault. I'm sorry guys. I know I have a bad temper. What do you want me to do?
- David Hamilton: Have you fed Lenny?
- Wendell Hamilton: Don't look at me, look at granny.
- Francis Hamilton: Oh come on, I just did it two days ago!
- Paul Glenn: That's quite a creative look you got going on there, young lady. What do you call that?
- Darlene Hamilton: [smiling] Death!
- Paul Glenn: [upon hearing screaming] Did you guys hear that?
- Wendell Hamilton: Oh, it's probably just cats... fucking.
- [more screaming is heard]
- Wendell Hamilton: [pounding his fist into his hand] Yep, that's definitely cats fucking alright!
- David Hamilton: Alright, so you're sure that they're good?
- Wendell Hamilton: Positive. On a road trip? It's gonna be two or three weeks until anyone notices.
- David Hamilton: Healthy?
- Wendell Hamilton: Oh yeah. I took one for a test drive.
- David Hamilton: Quit acting up, okay? I don't want their faces to be showing up on the ten o'clock news like last time. This could sustain us for a while.
- Wendell Hamilton: Trust me.
- David Hamilton: Alright. Let's get to work.
- Wendell Hamilton: [to Francis] Look, I know it fucking seems fucked up, alright? But we do what we do to survive. Alright? You do anything to fuck up our family or most importantly me, I'll fucking kill you.
- Kitty Davies: [watching a horror movie] Turn it off! Turn it off!
- Darlene Hamilton: It's just a movie, sweetheart. I thought you liked this kind of stuff?
- Kitty Davies: I do. It's just these movies are too real sometimes.
- Wendell Hamilton: Kitty, if monsters were real they'd be a lot different than they are on TV.
- Francis Hamilton: You keep telling yourself that things will change. That it's all a bad dream and one day you'll wake up. I just wish they would catch us, and then it'll all be over.
- Francis Hamilton: [after hearing a loud noise] Don't worry. It's just Lenny.
- Samantha Teal: What's Lenny?
- Francis Hamilton: You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
- Samantha Teal: You kill people and then you feed them to something called Lenny?
- Francis Hamilton: We're not like you, okay? We're sick. We have a fucking disease.