- Alan Wake: [Opening line] Steven King once wrote that nightmares exist outside of logic and there's little fun to be had in explanations. They're antithetical to the poetry of fear. In a horror story the victim keeps asking why, but there can be no explanation and there shouldn't be one. The unanswered mystery is what stays with us the longest and is what we'll remember in the end. My name is Alan Wake, I'm a writer.
- Alan Wake: It was a beautiful place. I told myself I could rest here, sleep here and forget about my work.
- Taken: [upon Alan opening the church back door] DID YOU CALL 911?
- [a flare gun goes off, destroying the Taken,]
- Barry Wheeler: Guess *that* one saw the light, eh?
- [Alan and Sherriff Breaker step outside, discovering Barry with a headlamp and wrapped with string lights]
- Barry Wheeler: [miffed] You didn't like that one? A tough audience. Well, I got plenty more.
- Alan Wake: What... What're the Christmas lights for?
- Barry Wheeler: Protection, man! Like garlic against vampires?
- Alan Wake: [beat] ... Vampires.
- Barry Wheeler: [nods]
- Barry Wheeler: Al, please tell me that we're headed for the nearest "You're now leaving Bright Falls. Come back soon!" sign.
- Alan Wake: We're going to the Anderson farm.
- Barry Wheeler: I KNEW you were going to say something like that. You know what, you owe me big time for this. When this is through - IF we make it - I don't care what anybody says; I am *done* with darkness. You're going to buy me a tanning bed as a gift, and I'm gonna live in it!
- Alan Wake: I'm crazy, but that's fine Barry.
- Barry Wheeler: [laughs] You got that right, Al, you're barking mad. You are by far, the craziest...
- Alan Wake: But maybe that's inevitable when you deal with crazy stuff like this. It helps. This is happening, Barry. Alice, they never had Alice. She's trapped in the darkness at the bottom of the lake, but she's NOT dead.
- Barry Wheeler: Al, how can you know that?
- Alan Wake: I know, Barry, I can...
- Barry Wheeler: Al, I...
- Alan Wake: No, listen. I can bring her back, I can find here. There's something special about this place. The lake, it, it does something to the works of art created here. It makes them come true. But there's a catch. The dark presence, whatever that thing is twists it to its own ends. That's what all of this is happening. It's using my manuscript to take over everything.
- Barry Wheeler: Al, I believe you.
- Alan Wake: It happened to Thomas Zane before, it happened to the Andersons.
- Barry Wheeler: I believe you, crazy or not, you're not delusional. Weird shit's going down that's a fact. I'm on board man, I'm with you.
- Alan Wake: The Andersons knew about it but they were too far gone to tell me with all the drugs they were on. But they wrote it down. There's a message somewhere at their farm, Barry. We just need to find it.
- Barry Wheeler: [rocks start to fall down a cliff side] LOOK OUT!
- Taken: [cutting down a power strut with a chainsaw] TIMBER!