- Commodore Cole: Behind us is a hidden frontier, with secrets we do not fully understand. But we do know this: the Briar Patch hides many people and planets that can no longer protect themselves. Starfleet has no nobler calling than preserving the peace so that all of our peoples can benefit from the exploration of space... The game is afoot, ladies and gentlemen. Battle stations.
- Sha'Kev: [to armed minion] Secure them both in the portside hold, and uh, if they give you any trouble... be imaginative.
- Sha'Kev: It's surprising how many governments will turn a blind eye to trilithium weapons. They can be so useful in a "make a big bang" sort of way.
- Counselor Myra Elbrey: [referring to a patient with sports injuries] You did the same thing when you were his age and a nice doctor was always there to fix YOU up.
- Lt. Cmdr. Henglaar, M.D.: [sourly] And that's why I'm sending him to Dr. Anderson: she's the only 'nice' doctor we have aboard.