The screenplay boasts one of the best ideas of the year: knowing Hallyday's popularity -whatever you may think of his talents as a singer-in France ,you cannot imagine the second half of the 20th century without him for a French (and I mean:for a French).As an user has smartly pointed it out ,it's America without Elvis.And England without Cliff Richard.And the world without the Beatles!!! I would not be surprised if they made a remake some day .
As an user writes,Johnny is definitely not an actor.But Fabrice Lucchini is one of the best thespians of his generation.It is not enough: the first part is,at a pinch,interesting,but things peter out afterward:the ending is disappointing to a fault.We are waiting for an unexpected end ,for something weird and we are left with almost nothing.
The macho touch: in the real world, it's the woman who prepares the coffee at the office;but in the "parallel " one ,the "abnormal" universe where the idol Johnny never existed ,the roles reverse.
Johnny's fans will be overjoyed.The others can move on.