Chapter 27 (2007)
Mark Lindsay Chapman: John Lennon
John Lennon : [Signing an album for Mark David Chapman] Is that all?
Mark David Chapman : [Stunned and shaky] Yeah. Thanks.
John Lennon : You sure? That's all?
Mark David Chapman : Yes. That's all. Thanks John.
John Lennon : You're welcome.
[Turns and leaves]
John Lennon : You got a pen? Thanks.
[signs album]
John Lennon : Is that all you want?
Mark David Chapman : Yeah. Thanks.
John Lennon : You sure? That's all?
Mark David Chapman : Yeah, that's all. Thanks, John.
John Lennon : You're welcome.
Mark David Chapman : [inner monologue] That was really him. He spoke to me! You know he wasn't real.