- Dr. Lynn Denlon: [after drilling holes into his skull non-anesthetized] John, how're you doing?
- Jigsaw: Never better.
- Jigsaw: [after Amanda gets shot] Amanda, It's OK. This was your test. Your game. I was testing you. I took you in. I selected you for the honor of carrying on my life's work. But you didn't. You didn't test anyone's will to live. Instead you took away their only chance. Your games were unwinnable, your subjects merely victims. In my desperation I decided to give you one last chance. So I put everything in place. You didn't know that Lynn and Jeff were husband and wife. I had to keep that from you for the purposes of my game. I had to leave out the ruined marriage, the cheating wife, the vengeful husband, the neglected daughter, and I let you make your own choices. I wanted you to succeed... You couldn't.
- [Amanda begins to collapse and die]
- Jigsaw: God...
- [Amanda finally dies]
- Jigsaw: Game over.
- Judge Halden: Jeff, just standing there, you're an accomplice to murder. Are you a murderer Jeff?
- Jeff: I've been wanting to kill him for three years.
- [Timothy Young starts screaming in agony]
- Jeff: Yeah. Maybe I am.
- Jigsaw: And what about the other test subjects?
- Amanda: What about 'em?
- Jigsaw: Is that how you felt about them? Is that how you felt about Eric Matthews?
- Amanda: Eric Matthews? I'll tell you how I felt about Eric Matthews. Eric Matthews learned nothing from your test.
- [flashback]
- Eric Matthews: Where is he, you junkie bitch? You're not Jigsaw, bitch!
- Amanda: I'm sorry. I know it's hard to concentrate when you're surrounded by so many things you could kill me with. Like this axe I saw you looking at.
- [holds the axe out to Lynn]
- Amanda: Take it. Please, it's yours. Come on. I'd go for the neck, but I'm not the brain surgeon. Just do it quietly so John doesn't hear me die. Otherwise, he is likely to get upset, rip off his heart rate monitor - boom! Then, you just have to find the sensor and disarm it so you can walk more than thirty feet out that door without the collar detonating. Or, you could try and take the collar off yourself. But that could be tricky. The slightest knock in the wrong place could trigger it. I should know. I built it.
- Jigsaw: Hello, Jeff. I made this tape as an insurance policy, if you will. And if you're listening to it, then it's time to collect. I was your final test of forgiveness and if you're listening to this, then you've failed. Now you must pay the price. The price for living for nothing but vengeance. Now I will give you something to live for. I told you that you couldn't kill me, Jeff, but I didn't tell you why. The answer is simple. I am the person responsible for the loss of your child. I am the only person who knows where your daughter is. She only has a limited supply of air, Jeff, and if you want to get her back, you'll have to play a game.
- Jeff: No!
- Dr. Lynn Denlon: Jeff!
- [Lynn's collar detonates]
- Amanda: He made it through the freezer room. He tried to save her.
- [starts crying]
- Jigsaw: There are some things I need you to do for me. In my desk. An envelope with your name on it.
- Amanda: [referring to Lynn] She's going to do a procedure on you.
- Jigsaw: Yeah?
- Amanda: To relieve the pressure on your brain.
- Jigsaw: Yeah.
- Amanda: Help with the headaches.
- [pauses]
- Amanda: I can't do this!
- [leans back in the chair and cries harder]
- Jigsaw: Amanda, you can. You can! You're stronger now. And I believe in you.
- Amanda: You chose her because she's the best, right?
- Jigsaw: That's one reason I chose her.
- Dr. Lynn Denlon: I don't know what you think you know, but my marriage has survived more suffering than someone like you could ever grasp.
- Jigsaw: Suffering? You haven't seen anything yet.
- Jigsaw: I'm sorry, but is all this crude medical equipment around you causing you to believe that you're still inside a hospital?
- Dr. Lynn Denlon: No...
- Jigsaw: Then why are you speaking to me in that graduate school medical jargon? LOOK AT ME!
- Amanda: So, do you have everything you need?
- Dr. Lynn Denlon: I have the instruments to cut someone open. I don't have the tools to save a life.
- Amanda: [Amanda looks down at the Reverse Bear Trap] You'd be surprised what tools can save a life.
- [Amanda picks up the Reverse Bear Trap]
- Jigsaw: Matrimony has always fascinated me. Husbands barely able to look at their wives, wives on their backs in hotel rooms with perfect strangers, able to bear children only to neglect them; till death do us part indeed.
- Judge Halden: I'm so sorry about your son, Jeff. But let me tell you something that I know for sure. No sentence that I gave him, not 500 years, not even death. Nothing will take your pain away. And vengeance doesn't solve anything. It only makes the pain greater, Jeff.
- [first lines]
- Amanda: Game over.
- Eric Matthews: I'll fucking kill you! You fucking bitch! You fucking bitch! I'll fucking kill you!
- [screams hopelessly]
- Tim: What the fuck are you doing?
- Jeff: [Presses play on tape recorder]
- Jigsaw: Hello, Jeff. If you are listening to this, that means that the confrontation you so long dreamed of is finally unfolding. In your head, he is a cipher. A symbol of your life changing. A symbol of death. I present him to you now, as a simple human being. His name is Timothy Young. He's 27 years old. A medical student with a mother and a father, just like you. A man who's life also changed the day your son died.
- [Flashback]
- Jigsaw: That day he made a terrible mistake. You believed he didn't pay for that mistake. And now is your chance to make him pay. The device Timothy is strapped to is my personal favorite. I call it "The Rack".
- Tim: [Screams]
- Jigsaw: The human body is a miraculous creation. Ever wonder how far an arm can twist? This device is going to start twisting. There is a chance he might live though, with your help. To your right is a box. At the back of the box, is a key. It is tied to the trigger of a shotgun. The question you'll have to ask yourself, is this. Are you willing...
- Tim: Have mercy!
- Jigsaw: ...To take a bullet for the man who killed your son? Does "do on to others as you would have them do on to you" apply here, Jeff? Make your choice.
- [device begins to twist]
- Dr. Lynn Denlon: Please, let me go. I saved your life.
- Jigsaw: Maybe my life isn't the one you are saving, after all.
- Kerry: If the aim of Jigsaw's game was to get out before the bomb went off then why was the door welded shut?
- Jigsaw: [after Amanda attacks Lynn] I apologize for her behavior. She swims in my sea. In the end she will be the closest I've ever gotten to a connection. To being understood. But her emotion is also her weakness.
- Jigsaw: Don't you think it would be wise to engage me in conversation for your own sake? I asked you to tell me about your husband.
- Dr. Lynn Denlon: It's like we're strangers now.
- Jigsaw: And?
- Dr. Lynn Denlon: The last time I saw him we were so disconnected. But now I'd give anything in the world to see my husband.
- [cries]
- Amanda: So?
- Dr. Lynn Denlon: My 20 second analysis without any medical equipment is that his brain is herniating.
- Amanda: [sarcastically] Oh.
- Dr. Lynn Denlon: He needs to go to the hospital and have an operation to decompress his brain.
- Amanda: [whispers] Come here. No, really, come here. Come here.
- Dr. Lynn Denlon: No.
- Amanda: Let me ask you something.
- [grabs Lynn by the hair]
- Amanda: Did I bring John to you? Or did I bring your self-centered ass to him? Now you better start fucking paying attention. No one's going to any hospital.
- [forcibly lets Lynn go]
- Dr. Lynn Denlon: I can't perform miracles. You're giving him painkillers - for a tumor like this he needs steroids, prednisones.
- Amanda: [sarcastically] Oh, good, yeah.
- [yells]
- Amanda: Maybe we could try some corticosteroids, you know, like dexamethasone. Why don't you fucking tell me something that I don't know! You stupid cunt!
- Dr. Lynn Denlon: Who are you? Who are you? WHAT IS THIS? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
- Amanda: [casually threatens Lynn with a knife] Are you gonna behave?
- Jigsaw: Hello, Kerry. I want to play a game. Up until now you have spent your life among the dead, piecing together their final moments. You're good at this because, you, like them, are also dead. Dead on the inside. You identify more with a cold corpse than you do with a living human. I believe you want to join your true family, indeed your only family. In death. The device you're wearing is hooked into your rib cage. By the time this tape is finished, you will have one minute to find a way out. At the end of that minute, you should know better than anyone, what happens then. There is a single key that will unlock the harness, Kerry. It is right in front of you. All you have to do is reach in and take it. But do it quickly; the acid will dissolve the key in a matter of seconds. Make your choice.
- Jigsaw: Jeff, when the judge presiding over your case sentenced your boy's murderer so lightly, your soul never recovered. Now, you have the power to sentence his soul straight to hell. Or, you could forgive. The key that will free him is hidden inside your son's possessions, possessions you have clung to for far too long. Now, if you flip the switch on the incinerator underneath you, a fire will cleanse you of this obsession and destroy them all, leaving only the key remaining. It is also the key that will bring you closer to the man accountable for taking your child. He doesn't have much time, Jeff. Let the game begin.
- Jigsaw: Welcome to your first test, Jeff. For the past three years, you've cursed the name of all those you thought were responsible for the death of your son. You've fantasized those accountable will pay. Well, you'll find a woman in front of you chained in place. This will prevent her from running, much like she did on the day your son was hit. Her name is Danica Scott. She was the only witness present at the scene of your son's untimely demise. If not for her own self-absorption and cowardice, she could have brought your son's killer to justice. Now it is you, who has a chance to bring her to justice. You alone can grant her the gift of life before she freezes to death. Behind the pipes on the back wall, you will find the key that will free her and bring you one step closer to the man responsible for the loss of your child. Will you claim the key to save only yourself? Or can you find it within you to save another? Make your choice.
- Troy: Help!
- Jigsaw: Hello, Troy. I want to play a game. This game will take place in a room not much bigger than the room you spent most of your life in. A prison cell. Despite all of the advantages and privileges that you were given at birth, you have returned to prison again and again. More comfortable in chains than you are in freedom. Tonight, we will see how far you are willing to go to break those chains once and for all. Live or die, Troy. Make your choice.
- Amanda: Eric Matthews? I'll tell you about Eric Matthews. Eric Matthews learned *nothing* from his test.
- Dr. Lynn Denlon: You're asking me to do the impossible.
- Amanda: I'm not asking you.
- [referring to Jigsaw]
- Amanda: He is.
- Dr. Lynn Denlon: I don't know what you think you know, but my marriage has survived more suffering than someone like you could ever grasp.
- Jigsaw: Suffering? You haven't seen anything yet. Someone like me, who am I?
- Dr. Lynn Denlon: A monster. A murderer.
- Jigsaw: I don't condone murder and I despise murderers.
- Jigsaw: You will give everything to me. Every cell in your body. Is that understood?
- Amanda: Yes.
- Jigsaw: The marks on your arms, they're from another life. We'll leave that life behind. When you walk down that corridor there is no turning back. Do you understand that?
- Amanda: [reluctantly] Yes.
- Jigsaw: Then start with this.
- [hands Amanda an envelope]