- Jeong Jeong: Get out.
- Aang: Master, I need to learn Firebending.
- Jeong Jeong: Only a fool seeks his own destruction.
- Aang: I'm the Avatar. It's my destiny to...
- Jeong Jeong: Destiny? What would a boy know of destiny? If a fish lives it's whole life in this river, does he know the river's destiny? No! Only that it runs on and on, out of his control. He may follow where it flows, but he cannot see the end. He cannot imagine the ocean.
- Aang: Okay... But it's Avatar's duty to master all of the Bending disciplines.
- Jeong Jeong: To master the Bending disciplines, you must first master discipline itself. But you have no intrest in this, so I have no intrest in you! Now, get out.
- Aang: Please, I have to learn. This could be my only chance.
- Jeong Jeong: Are you deaf? How can I teach you if you refuse to listen? Before learning Firebending, you must learn Water and Earth. Water is cool and soothing, Earth is steady and stable. But Fire... Fire is alive. It breathes, it grows. Without the Bender, a rock will not throw itself! But Fire will spread and destroy everything in it's path if one does not have the will to control it! That is its destiny! You are not ready! You are too weak!
- Avatar Roku: You think I am weak?
- Jeong Jeong: Avatar Roku! No, no! I did not mean that.
- Avatar Roku: I have mastered the elements a thousand of times in a thousand lifetimes. Now, I must do it once again. You *will* teach the Avatar Firebending.
- Jeong Jeong: Yes, yes. I will teach you.
- Aang: Really? That's great!
- Jeong Jeong: Agh...
- [to Admrial Zhao about his fire bending skills]
- Aang: I don't know why, but I thought you'd be better then Zuko.
- [last lines]
- Sokka: Oh, well, then thanks for all the first-aid over the years. Like when I fell into the greasebeary bramble, and that time I had two fishhooks in my thumb!
- Aang: Two?
- Katara: He tried to get the first fishhook out with another fishhook.
- Sokka: Oh, and the time that mink snake bit me. Thanks for healing that up. That was great, really helpful.
- Jeong Jeong: What are you doing here? I did not tell you to stop!
- Aang: I've been breathing for hours.
- Jeong Jeong: You want to stop breathing?
- Zhao: Look at you. You were once so great. I can't believe my former master has become nothing more than a simple savage.
- Jeong Jeong: It is you who have embraced savagery, Zhao.
- Zhao: It's Admiral Zhao, now.
- Jeong Jeong: That title will not help you against the Avatar. Do not try to fight him! You are no match.
- Zhao: [laughing] I think I can handle a child.
- Jeong Jeong: I have never seen such raw power.
- Aang: I already know how to squat and breathe and feel the sun! I want to know how to shoot fire from my fingertips!
- Jeong Jeong: I had a pupil once who had no interest in learning discipline. He was only concerned with the power of Fire, how he could use it to destroy his opponents and wipe out the obstacles in his path. But Fire is a horrible burden to bear. Its nature is to consume. And without control, it destroys everything around it. Learn restraint or risk destroying yourself and everything you love.
- Jeong Jeong: You have healing abilities. The great Benders of the Water Tribe sometimes have this ability. I've always wished I were blessed like you, free from this burning curse.
- Katara: But you're a great master. You have powers I'll never know.
- Jeong Jeong: Water brings healing and life. But Fire brings only destruction and pain. It forces those of us burdened with its care to walk a razor's edge between humanity and savagery. Eventually, we're torn apart.
- Zhao: So the Avatar was here, and you let him slip away.
- Fire Nation Soldier: Yes, sir. But other than that, the festival went off without a hitch.
- [a burning pole falls behind them]
- Fire Nation Soldier: No fights, theft was way down.
- Chey: But he couldn't take the madness any more. He's the first person ever to leave the army and live. I'm the second, but you don't get to be a legend for that. It's okay, though. Jeong Jeong's a Firebending genius. Some say he's mad, but he's not. He's enlightened.