- Barbara Gordon: Before I was ever Oracle, I had another name, another identity, another... self. I used to work with a man, Helena's father. He was Gotham's greatest champion... and most people never even knew he existed.
- Helena Kyle: You know, I'm the one that does all the night sweeps. I'm the one that does all the fieldwork. I'm the one with bruises in really embarrassing places. Would it kill you to go to the grocery store every once in a while?
- Barbara Gordon: What is this obsession with food?
- Helena Kyle: You try fighting the forces of evil when your blood sugar's low!
- Barbara Gordon: She knows how to get in. What if she knows who we are?
- Helena Kyle: We could kill her.
- Barbara Gordon: We're the good guys. We don't kill innocent people. We don't kill... anyone.
- Helena Kyle: Speak for yourself.
- Helena Kyle: [On why she refuses to wear a mask] I wanna look good. Is that a crime? I can have two lives without looking like an overgrown trick-or-treater.
- [first lines]
- Alfred: [voice over] My name is Alfred Pennyworth and I have a story to tell. For many years in the city of New Gotham, a secret war raged by night. Unknown to the everyday world, a battle for the very heart of the city was waged between Batman and Joker. One night, the final battle was fought and Joker lost. Joker's revenge was taken not on Batman himself, but on the ones he loved. Helena Kyle didn't know that her father was Batman, nor did she know that her mother had once been Catwoman. And Catwoman was the Joker's first victim.
- [last lines]
- Barbara Gordon: Sometimes I close my eyes and I can almost feel it. What it was like to race across rooftops under the moon.
- Helena Kyle: Cold, wet, and hell on your nails.
- Barbara Gordon: I guess I never really let go of who I was... before.
- Helena Kyle: It's a hard thing to lose. I can't ever be what you were.
- Barbara Gordon: Good. Just be yourself instead. You're way cooler than I ever was, anyway.
- Helena Kyle: I know.
- Harleen: You've been coming here for three months, Helena, and you've barely said a word. Talk therapy works better when you actually speak.
- Helena Kyle: The court sent me here for anger management, right? Observe the managing. I'm cured. You're... you're genius.
- Harleen: You sideswiped two cars, flattened a stop sign, crushed a fire hydrant...
- Helena Kyle: I was in a hurry.
- Harleen: And knocked out a security guard.
- Helena Kyle: I shoved him to get him out of the way. I barely even touched the guy.
- Harleen: And why exactly were you in such a hurry?
- Helena Kyle: I don't know. I had things to do.
- Harleen: I understand that whatever it was seemed urgent to you.
- Helena Kyle: No, you don't understand. You don't know me. You don't know anything about me. Let's just run the clock out here, call it good.
- Jerry: To... or from?
- Dinah Lance: Excuse me?
- Jerry: Are you running away from something or... or to something?
- Dinah Lance: I'm not. I mean...
- Jerry: No, it... it's cool. You should be careful, though. It's a big city if you don't know anyone. Hey, I'm Jerry.
- Dinah Lance: Dinah.
- Jerry: See? Now you know someone.
- Dinah Lance: To. I'm running to. Or at least I hope so. There are a couple people in New Gotham that I sort of knew... or knew about, anyway. Um, it's hard to explain.
- Jerry: Well, do you think they're still in the city?
- Dinah Lance: I don't really know what happened to them.
- Harleen: I do know that on this day seven years ago, you watched your mother die. And a few months later, Barbara Gordon became your legal guardian, and... there's no mention of your father.
- Helena Kyle: It's because at the time, I didn't know who he was.
- Harleen: But you do now?
- Helena Kyle: Bruce Wayne is my father.
- Harleen: Your father... is one of the wealthiest men in the country. And you move in with a schoolteacher?
- Helena Kyle: It wasn't exactly "Father Knows Best". He didn't know he had a kid. "Clueless" is a, uh, radical understatement.
- Harleen: It sounds like your relationship with your father is somewhat conflicted.
- Helena Kyle: What relationship? He didn't raise me. My mom did. I miss her. She... she was funny... and crazy and dangerous, and... in that one moment, she was... was gone. That's when everything changed. I changed.
- Harleen: Into what?
- Helena Kyle: Into someone maybe I wasn't meant to be.
- Dinah Lance: It's you. I saw you in my dream. You're really real.
- The Huntress: Kid, you should go home.
- Dinah Lance: Wait. Where can I find you?
- [grabbing Huntress' wrist, she has a vision of the clocktower]
- The Huntress: It's late. There's a shelter on Durbin, a few blocks south. You should get off the streets.
- Barbara Gordon: I've been calling for hours. Where have you been?
- Helena Kyle: That shrink thing, remember? Being punished for destroying city property while chasing your bad guy.
- Barbara Gordon: Yeah, well, you know, you could have gone around the fire hydrant.
- Helena Kyle: Doesn't it ever bother you? We spend all our time trying to save the city...
- Barbara Gordon: Shh.
- Helena Kyle: ...fighting crime lords and supervillains, for what? Lousy hours, nonexistent pay, no recognition, and traffic tickets.
- Barbara Gordon: That's the downside of having a secret identity; the secrecy.
- Dinah Lance: You scared me. Um... I thought you were, you know...
- Jerry: Dangerous?
- Dinah Lance: Um... well, it's kind of a weird place to have a party.
- Jerry: One thing you learn about New Gotham, Dinah: things are never what they seem.
- Dinah Lance: [screaming as she tries to get away] Ahh! Leave me alone!
- Jerry: Oh, come on, don't be scared, Dinah.
- The Huntress: [pulling him off her] The lady isn't interested.
- [grabbing a pipe from the street, he tries to fight her off]
- The Huntress: I was hoping you'd say something like that.
- Detective McNally: Seriously, Reese, you gotta lay off "The Twilight Zone." The guys are starting to talk.
- Jesse Reese: McNally, you hear the same stories I do. You see the same things we can't even begin to explain.
- Detective McNally: Freaks, weirdos, urban myths.
- Jesse Reese: Myths are just the truth a few generations later. Come on, McNally, what you so afraid of?
- Detective McNally: Being seen with you, getting carted off to the loony bin. I'm gonna make you a list.
- Jesse Reese: There's something going on in this city after the sun goes down. I intend to find out what it is.
- Wade Brixton: Never really got into Shakespeare. Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet. I mean, he's a glorious romantic, but then the lovers always end up dying. Not the ideal way to finish a date.
- Barbara Gordon: [amused chuckle] Well... maybe you should try the comedies; people wandering around in disguises, mistaking each other's identity, only to find each other and live happily ever after. Does that sound better?
- Wade Brixton: Definitely. I'm a sucker for happy endings.
- Barbara Gordon: Huntress, it's Oracle. Do you copy?
- [no response]
- Barbara Gordon: You've gone offline again, haven't you? God, this is so like you. It's a transceiver, not a Walkman. Huntress? Huntress?
- Jerry: Who the hell are you?
- The Huntress: I'm the Huntress, and you're the prey. Warmed up yet?
- [he scrambles to his feet and flees]
- The Huntress: Ugh, I hate a man with no endurance. Really, what's the point?
- [seeing Dinah looking at her]
- The Huntress: You can just say "thank you." It wasn't that spectacular.
- Barbara Gordon: I need you to go on sweep tonight. There's been another death.
- Helena Kyle: You mean another suicide.
- Barbara Gordon: No, it's murder. Neither of these guys had any history of psychological illness, no reason to even consider suicide.
- [passing another bar patron]
- Barbara Gordon: Excuse me. I'm telling you, there's something wrong here. I can feel it.
- Helena Kyle: Is your spider-sense tingling?
- [after shooting Barbara at her front door]
- The Joker: Knock knock. Who's there? Batgirl... past tense!
- [laughs]
- Detective McNally: Don't start.
- Jesse Reese: Start what?
- Detective McNally: "There's something prowling the night", that's what.
- Jesse Reese: Of course not. This is just your basic "normal guy freaks out, throws himself in front of a speeding vehicle for no reason" case. Oh, it's totally routine.
- Detective McNally: Was that sarcasm? 'Cause you know I'm a sensitive man.