Lalla Ward credited as playing...
- [Fallen debris pins down the Doctor. Romana goes for help]
- Romana: Don't go away, will you?
- The Doctor: I rather hoped you'd resist the temptation to say that.
- [Romana walks in, having regenerated as Princess Astra]
- The Doctor: Sorry, I thought you were Romana. Have you seen her?
- [softly]
- The Doctor: What are you doing here?
- Romana: Regenerating. Do you like it?
- The Doctor: Regenerating? What are you talking about, regenerating? Only Time Lords regenerate. Look it's awfully nice to see you, Princess Astra...
- Romana: *Romana.*
- The Doctor: "Romana?" Ah...
- [K9 starts to interrupt him]
- The Doctor: Shut up, K9. What are you doing in that body?
- Romana: Regenerating. Do you like it?
- The Doctor: But you can't wear that body!
- Romana: I thought it looked very nice on the Princess.
- The Doctor: Listen. You listen to me in there. What you want is something warm and sensible. Something that will wear well. Something with a bit of style and, well, style. You know?
- [the newly regenerated Romana returns, wearing the Third Doctor's spare coat, scarf and floppy hat - these are several sizes too big for her]
- The Doctor: How about this, Doctor?
- Romana: Exactly! Good, heavens, that's exactly right. Ha! I never realised you had such a sense of style.
- The Doctor: I thought you said external appearances weren't important.
- Romana: Ah, but it's nice to get them right, isn't it?
- The Doctor: What a brain, ohh, what a brain.
- [K9 coughs]
- The Doctor: Do that again
- [K9 coughs]
- The Doctor: Say "Ahhh".
- [K9 weakly does so]
- The Doctor: Ahh, ahh. Laryngitis. How can a robot catch laryngitis? I mean, what do you need it for, hmm? Romana! Laryngitis?
- Romana: Doctor.
- The Doctor: Romana, the dog's got laryngitis. I th .. sorry I thought you were Romana, have you seen her?