Justin Chambers credited as playing...
Dr. Alex Karev
- Dr. Alex Karev: Megan, these bruises and these cuts all over you? This isn't normal.
- Megan Clover: I get in fights a lot, okay? 'Cause I'm stronger than some of the other kids and I end up defending the ones who are wimpy or small or whatever.
- Dr. Alex Karev: You know you're scrawny, right? You're not one of the big kids.
- Megan Clover: Yeah, but I can take them in a fight.
- Megan Clover: [to Alex] You're a hosebag, you know that?
- Dr. Alex Karev: And you have a potty mouth.
- Dr. Alex Karev: [about Megan] We need to run a CT on this kid's abdomen. This superhero stuff's way outta hand.
- Dr. Miranda Bailey: So what if she thinks she's a superhero? I believed in Santa Claus 'til I was 11.
- Dr. Alex Karev: Really? Did Santa ever hit you in the gut with a baseball bat?