Ellen Pompeo credited as playing...
Dr. Meredith Grey
- Dr. Meredith Grey: McSteamy! Woohoo!
- Dr. Mark Sloan: McSteamy? Is that what you're calling me?
- Dr. Meredith Grey: I don't think you're supposed to know that.
- Dr. Mark Sloan: How's my favorite dirty mistress?
- Dr. Meredith Grey: I'm an adulterous whore now...
- Dr. Finn Dandridge: Hi!
- Dr. Derek Shepherd: [shocked] Finn...
- Dr. Finn Dandridge: I didn't think you guys would be here! I just wanted to drop this off... it's strawberry ice cream... a patient made it for me...
- Dr. Derek Shepherd: A patient's owner...
- Dr. Finn Dandridge: It's made from scratch... real strawberries.
- Dr. Meredith Grey: I love strawberry ice cream!
- Dr. Derek Shepherd: And you remembered...
- Dr. Finn Dandridge: I did! I just thought I'd leave it by the door.
- Dr. Derek Shepherd: You didn't think it would melt?
- Dr. Finn Dandridge: Well you take your chances.
- Dr. Derek Shepherd: It worked out for you...
- Dr. Finn Dandridge: Mmm...
- Dr. Meredith Grey: What exactly is going on here?
- Dr. Derek Shepherd: He's crashing our date.
- Dr. Finn Dandridge: And where do you think I got that idea?
- Dr. Derek Shepherd: I didn't crash your date, it was professional.
- Dr. Finn Dandridge: You can't operate without her?
- Dr. Derek Shepherd: I certainly operate well with her!
- Dr. Meredith Grey: Enough! This is not dating... I want moonlight and flowers and candy... and people trying to feel me up... nobody is trying to feel me up! Nobody is even looking at me! I'm an intern... do the two of you have any idea how much effort it takes to do all this? I'm waxed, I plucked and have a clean top on and the two of you are looking at each other!
- Dr. Derek Shepherd: Meredith we...
- Dr. Meredith Grey: NO! My fantasy is not two men looking at each other!
- Dr. Finn Dandridge: We didn't...
- Dr. Meredith Grey: No talking until one of you figures out how to put on a date! I want heat, I want romance... dammit! I want to feel like a frickin' lady!
- [walks into her house]
- Dr. Meredith Grey: I'm dating.
- [looks down at coffee from Derek and cake from Finn]
- Dr. Meredith Grey: And it comes with snacks.
- Dr. Meredith Grey: [closing voiceover] The fantasy is simple. Pleasure is good and twice as much pleasure is better. That pain is bad and no pain is better, but the reality is different. The reality is that pain is there to tell us something, and there's only so much pleasure we can take without getting a stomach ache. And maybe that's okay. Maybe some fantasies are only supposed to live in our dreams.
- Dr. Derek Shepherd: [During Meredith's dream; to Meredith] Good morning.
- Dr. Meredith Grey: Good morning.
- [kisses Derek]
- Dr. Derek Shepherd: [to Finn] Good morning.
- Dr. Finn Dandridge: It is a good morning.
- [Meredith turns to face Finn]
- Dr. Finn Dandridge: Hi.
- Dr. Meredith Grey: Hi.
- [kisses Finn]
- Dr. Finn Dandridge: Did you get any sleep last night?
- Dr. Meredith Grey: Not really.
- Dr. Derek Shepherd: Do you want to get some now?
- Dr. Meredith Grey: Not really.
- Dr. Meredith Grey: [opening voiceover] Surgeons usually fantasize about wild and improbable surgeries. Someone collapses in a restaurant, slice them open with a butter knife, replace a valve with a hollowed-out stick of carrot, but every now and then, another kind of fantasy slips in. Most of our fantasies dissolve when we wake up, banished to the back of our mind. But sometimes we're sure, if we try hard enough, we can live the dream.
- Dr. Meredith Grey: [as she opens the supply closet door] Megan?
- [sees Addison]
- Dr. Meredith Grey: Oh. Hi.
- Dr. Addison Montgomery: Weren't you just on 3?
- Dr. Meredith Grey: I was. We lost a patient, a little girl and I was just...
- Dr. Addison Montgomery: Look, why don't you pick a floor and stay on it, and I'll pick a floor and stay on that because I really need a moment or two without you. Your face shows up in my head, your panties show up in my husband's pocket. Really, you're everywhere and I need a moment or two without you.
- Dr. Meredith Grey: I get that.
- Dr. Addison Montgomery: [sarcastically] Thanks.