AnnaSophia Robb credited as playing...
- Tara: [to James] We'll need fake names. So we won't get caught. I'll be Nicole, and I want to be thirteen years old. 'Cause being twelve is stupid.
- James: [referring to Joleen and her new boyfriend] Do you know where they might be?
- Tara: [when Warren doesn't answer] Do you even know you're in jail? It's your fault she left in the first place, Warren. This whole thing is your fault.
- Warren: No, I'm just wondering how long this has been going on, that's what I'd like to know.
- Tara: [leaning toward Warren with a savage pleasure on her face] Do you know what Mom would call you? She had a name for you. When it was just me and her talking. She'd say it and we'd laugh. Do you know what it was?
- Warren: [crosses his arms] I don't believe you.
- [Tara smirks then takes her coat and leaves]
- Warren: What was it? Tara, what did she call me? Tara!
- Tara: [after she sees him staring at her] Uncle James, you're creeping me out.
- Joleen: Hey, you be nice to Uncle James. James, where do you keep the hangers?
- James: What?
- Joleen: Hangers!
- [to herself as she goes into James' room]
- Joleen: God, this place is such a mess. I should have brought some of my own furniture.
- [to James]
- Joleen: And we're going to need another pillow for Tara, by the way.
- Tara: I'm not sleeping in the same bed as you, Mom!
- Joleen: [coming back out of the room] You know, you could really start unpacking your own shit instead of sitting there and pretending to do your homework.
- Tara: I'm not pretending to do my homework, I'm pretending not to hate my life!
- Joleen: Well, you're not doing a very good job of pretending!
- Tara: Well, maybe I'm not applying myself!
- Joleen: I don't need this kind of shit from you right now, Tara!
- Tara: What kind of shit do you need from me right now, Mom?
- Joleen: [kicking a chest of drawers] What do you want from me? God, Tara!
- Tara: Where are we going?
- James: We're going home. Home to your mom.
- Tara: [brightens] My mom? Where is she?
- James: She's in Westmoreland. Waiting at the police station.
- Tara: What's going to happen to you?
- James: Can't be any worse than it's been, you know? Before now, it's like I've been living in a dream. A bad dream, just sleepwalking. But you helped me. You woke me up.
- Tara: I did?
- James: Yeah.
- James: [after a pause] Will you do me a favor?
- Tara: Yeah, sure.
- James: When you see her, tell her this the first day of the rest of her life. Okay? It wasn't before, but now it is.
- Tara: Okay. Why don't you tell her?
- James: I just want you to. Okay?
- Tara: All right.
- [pause, then speaks]
- Tara: You know, you're not an idiot. You're not an idiot like he would always call you.
- James: [smiles and takes her hand]
- Joleen: [holding her daughter and crying] Oh God. Oh my God. Oh God baby. I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! Oh God, I'm so sorry. Tell me you're okay!
- Tara: I'm okay.
- Joleen: It'll be okay! Where's James?
- Counselor: Where's James? Where is he?
- Tara: [crying] He's gone.
- [Counselor runs to his car]
- Joleen: Where is he, baby? Where did he go?
- Tara: [hysterically] I don't know!
- Joleen: Did he say anything?
- Tara: Yes! He said-
- [gulps, trying to control herself]
- Tara: he said the first day of the rest of your life.
- Joleen: My life?
- Tara: [still crying] Yeah, that's what he told me. Yeah.