Ajay Verma lives with his younger brother, Vishal and his wife, Maria, and an unmarried sister, Disha. He is in love with a Police Inspector by the name of Kiran, who he would like to marry someday. Their lives are disrupted when Disha tells them she has fallen in love with a young man named Rajesh Lingha. Ajay's inquiries show that Rajesh is an alcoholic and a womanizer, and when approached, Rajesh denies ever having any affair with Disha. Shortly thereafter Disha disappears and her dead body is recovered by the Police. Ajay and Vishal blame Rajesh for her death and begin to plan his death. Before they could do anything, Rajesh gets killed. Kiran is assigned to this case, and she arrests Maria, claiming that she has enough evidence to send Maria to the gallows. The question remains, why would Maria kill Rajesh?
—rAjOo (gunwanti@hotmail.com)