- A Nutshell Review [Stefan S]
- About.com [Mark Harris]
- Abus de ciné [Thomas Bourgeois]
- French
- Agressions animales [Peter Watts]
- French
- Aisle Seat [Andre Dursin]
- Bloody-Disgusting
- Blu-ray.com [Martin Liebman]
- Boston Globe [Ethan Gilsdorf]
- bpaszylk.com [Bartlomiej Paszylk]
- Polish
- Cine.gr [Haris Kalogeropoulos]
- Greek
- Cinefantastique [R. Patrick Alberty ]
- Cinemagazine [Paula Koopmans]
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- Cineycine.com [Jonathan Glez]
- Spanish
- Cineycine.com [Jonathan Glez]
- Spanish
- De Nachtvlinders [Frank Mulder]
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- DoBlu.com (Blu-ray) [Matt Paprocki]
- Dread Central [Uncle Creepy] Blu-ray DVD
- Dustyisgodless [Dusty Wallace]
- DVD Talk
- DVD Town [William David Lee]
- DVDFile [Blu-ray]
- eFilmCritic Reviews
- FEARnet.com [Scott Weinberg]
- Film Critics United
- Film Intuition [Jen Johans]
- Filmempfehlung.com [Katrin Gerber]
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- filmtotaal.nl [Frank Stol]
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- Final Girl [Stacie Ponder]
- For It Is Man's Number [Kevin Matthews]
- High-Def Digest [Aaron Peck]
- HK and Cult Film News [porfle]
- Home Theater Info DVD [Douglas MacLean]
- Horror movies &stuff [Mr. HoRrOr]
- Horror Unrated [Claus Reinhold]
- IFC.com [Matt Singer]
- Killer Film [Jason Bene]
- KillerReviews.com [Greg Roberts]
- kino-zeit.de [Rochus Wolff]
- German
- Krell Laboratories [Christianne Benedict]
- LaButaca.net [José Arce]
- Spanish
- Lair of the Boyg [Jared Roberts]
- Life After Undeath [GraveDave]
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- Italian
- Manifest - Das Filmmagazin [Hasko Baumann]
- German
- Maníacos por Filme [Portuguese]
- Movie Cynics [The Vocabulariast]
- Movie Machine [Constant Hoogenbosch]
- Dutch
- Movielogy.com [Iwan Pranowo]
- MovieMaze.de
- German
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