John Travolta credited as playing...
- [from trailer]
- [reading fine print from one of Dan's prescription bottles]
- Charlie: Watch out for sudden loss of depth perception?
- Troop Leader Adam: [Trying to get Charlie's attention] Hey. Hey. Hey. You remind me of that old dude who stole my girlfriend.
- Charlie: What?
- [Charlie looks at Dan]
- Troop Leader Adam: Yeah, you! Mr. Wall of Hair.
- Charlie: What's your problem?
- Troop Leader Adam: Yeah, how about we go dig a hole?
- Charlie: He's giving me the stink-eye.
- Dan: Yeah.
- Troop Leader Adam: Yeah, you thief. I loved her. I loved her so much.
- Dan: What are you saying?
- Troop Leader Adam: My beef is not with you, Old Women.
- Dan: Thank you.