Laura Cooper runs a coffee shop and is divorced from her husband. She is getting an online college degree in marketing. She is so busy her rebellious teenage daughter Samantha is fast becoming a delinquent that the police think should be locked up.
One night the car is missing and Laura reports it stolen. She knows Samantha took it, and that Samantha is only 15 and has no license. Samantha is at a party where she witnesses Jordan, Derek and Glenn threatening Alex. Alex is accidentally pushed off a cliff. The boys show no remorse, however, so it's the same as if they had murdered him. They don't see Samantha, but since they videotape their adventures, they see her when they watch what happened on Jordan's computer.
Samantha is so upset after what she witnessed that her reckless driving attracts the attention of a cop. This is just her first run-in with the law (in this movie), and she's not going to get any more second chances. Laura tries to help Samantha, but Samantha's not willing to listen to her, and if she thought her father wanted her, she would be going to live with him.
The guys start threatening Samantha. She tells her best friend Tori (who has been the boys' victim) what happened, but won't talk to anyone else. Laura doesn't know why her daughter is behaving so strangely or why she has to keep picking her up from jail--or why the cops finally make her spend the night.
The threats get worse and worse, and turn into more than threats. Something has to be done. It doesn't help that Jordan's father is the chief of police. And Derek's father is Laura's mechanic.
This is quite an exciting movie. Of course it's kind of scary to see teenage boys with no morals, though maybe they aren't as bad as they seem. It's rare to see ordinary small-town kids go so overboard with threatening behavior.
Everyone does such a good job, particularly the two female leads, Kelly Rutherford and Kirsten Prout. Samantha Ferris as Tori's mother and David Pearson as Derek's father also stand out in relatively brief roles.
When pushed hard enough, Laura has the ability to get things done. Some may not approve of everything she does, but under the circumstances, certain behaviors are justified.
I only recall one weakness--very strange weather. The ground can be covered with snow in one part of town, while no snow at all has fallen in other areas.
It's really worth seeing.