This movie has elements that are not really coherent to the main plot and just drags things out. Such as the assumption scene that looks like it clearly came of that CSI show. The director that made this movie probably watched a lot of these thriller movie and mixed a lot of them together but it's just not effective. "Midnight FM" did a better job with it's execution with the mother looking for her kidnapped daughter scenarios although this came first. It's kinda obvious the director took ideas from other thrillers although that is my assuption and investigation TV shows which is fine but it's just not well blended. And comes together pretty darn lame and generic than cool and thrilling. The acting is just over the top for some characters and not believable including the direction. Yeah, this is a movie but for a movie like this if it went in a more realistic direction it would have been a upgrade. This movie just felt really dragged out with constant uninteresting scenarios that could have been shortened down. The twist at the end was alright though actually pretty good. And I did like is how it shows how some lawyers mentality can be driven by victory over if that person they are defending is guilty or not or visa versa. The thing is the story seems to be all over the place but not for good reason. This isn't awful but there are better thrillers worth watching.