- Sam: Do you have any... dual-core processors with 512 MB cache?
- Bosco: [with bad 'medieval' accent, wearing 'elvish' ear] Nay!
- Sam: Do you have any chimpanzee-sized diapers?
- Bosco: Nay.
- Sam: Do you have any barbecue plankton chips?
- Bosco: Nay.
- Sam: Do you have any keychains with a +8 modifier to dexterity?
- Bosco: I wish.
- Sam: Do you have any... self-respect?
- Bosco: Nay!
- Max: Ha, ha... tricked you!
- Bosco: No, I understood the question. I understood it all too well.
- Sam: You sure do know how to suck the fun out of everything, Bosco. Do you have any... lembas?
- Bosco: 'Tis stale!
- Sybil: [an entry in her audio blog] Listen, you idiotic losers! Why would you put stupid coins in the stupid sky? How are you supposed to get those things? I can't buy the next level of my "jack of all trades" ability because I can't afford the training fees, and these coins are just FLOATING up there in the SKY! Who designed this STUPID GAME! If anyone hears this... I really need some more Jitter now!
- Sam: You'd think if Sybil didn't like the game, she'd stop playing.
- Max: Your dearth of knowledge about online gaming culture is staggering.
- Sam: I think we need these binoculars more than Bosco does.
- Max: Ummm... not really.
- Sam: Well, no. These incessant rationalizations for our questionable tactics do not, in all honesty, have much merit to them, and yet there remains a very real compulsion to say them.
- [long beat]
- Max: He doesn't really need the binoculars anyway.
- Sam: [overlapping] Yeah, right, okay, yeah...
- Max: [overlapping] Right, yeah, oh sure, okay...