I managed to get my hands on advance screening copies for a number of episodes from this great new show, and I was really impressed with how quickly the show found its stride and developed into something truly extraordinary. This is what this country has been waiting for for a long time: a true sit com on a par with the best of its U.S. counterparts! Like all great shows aimed at young people, there are plenty of laughs here to keep the parents tuning in along with their kids. The cast is made up of some truly gifted young actors, and together they create an ensemble that brought to mind what the cast of Friends might have been like if they all met when they were in Junior High.
With respect to the show's writing, the dynamics between the characters--and the situations they all get themselves into--are consistently smart, engaging, and never seem to talk down to its young audience members. And somehow they manage to strike that delicate balance of sentiment and high jinx.
For my money, this show has more entertainment value packed into one frame than a whole season of Degrassi.