- Jane: That's the world, that's politics. That's how it works. It starts out with big promises and ends up with jackshit happening. But like the man said: "If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal."
- Pat Candy: You know, when Adlai Stevenson was running for president, a woman came up to him on a rally one night and said, "Every thinking person will be voting for you." And Stevenson said, "Ma'am, that's not enough. I need a majority."
- Jane: [the llama walks off the set and is hit by a car] It's like he killed himself rather than be in our commercial.
- Pat Candy: [to Jane sitting silently] If you fight with monsters for too long, you become a monster. And if you stare into the abyss too long..."Whatever the fuckin' rest of it is. I don't know...
- Jane: [her first chat with Castillo] People forget what you say, but they remember how you make them feel. Warren Beatty. And right now, you make people feel like you're gonna shoot them. People don't like you. But that's okay. Since love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved. That's Warren Beatty as well. No, it's not. It's Machiavelli.
- [hearty chuckle]
- Jane: Sorry. I was just totally kidding.
- Castillo: I am the one in charge. Do you understand?
- Jane: Uh, no, no. See, you're not in charge. You're not in charge. *I'm* not in charge. Okay? Why can't you understand that?
- Castillo: What did you just say?
- Jane: Maybe nobody's in charge! Maybe we're all just rollin' down a fucking hill and there's no one at the wheel. I don't know! Sir, why can you not say what you're supposed to say? Where is there a problem?
- Castillo: Because I'm not just a puppet for you to play with!
- Jane: Of course you are! Of course you're a puppet! As am I! We're just... We're just pawns.
- Jane: Is it soul-stealing? Yeah, it's soul-stealing. It's advertising. You convince people of something they don't need, and then you give it to 'em, and then you profit from it.
- Interviewer: When you began your career, you must've had heroes, role models?
- Jane: Who are my heroes? Well, when I first started in this business, my heroes were politicians and leaders. And then I met them.
- Jane: Lyndon Johnson was running for congress, and he tells his campaign manager to start a rumor that his opponent fucks pigs. And the manager said, 'nobody's gonna believe that.' And he says, 'I know. I just want to hear him deny it.'