Costas Mandylor credited as playing...
- Del: You look lovely in this light.
- Emma Schumacher: There's no make-up like some wine in the other person.
- Del: Erik, this is your life. Your crisis. Your murder. I think you should handle it yourself. It's a growth experience!
- Emma Schumacher: You had this all thought out!
- Del: Oh, no, I gave up thinking centuries ago - it leads absolutely nowhere! I'm all impulse!
- Erik Schumacher: You're tempting me!
- Del: My dear Erik, what is life but temptation?
- Erik Schumacher: You're evil! You're teaching me to be evil!
- Del: Oh, you don't need me to teach you to be evil! You need me to teach you to be evil with style!
- Emma Schumacher: Del, if I accept you I accept ...
- Del: - everything! Life! - an evil business, always going wrong - but so seductive!
- Victor Vronski: That's just to show you I'm serious.
- Del: Serious! How dare you be serious! What an obscenity to be serious! You forfeit my respect by being serious!