- Bender: [calling to Planet Express ship in code talk] Green Bluebird, this is Mr. Fabulous. We are go for cheesing it.
- Chief Justice Dogg: The charges against y'all femditos is murder, mayhem, vandalism, kidnapping and resisting arrest. Damn! The big five. You may now make your opening "what you gots to say for yourselves".
- Turanga Leela: May it please the court.
- [Dogg bangs his gavel]
- Turanga Leela: I mean, may it plizzle the cozizzle.
- Philip J. Fry: Aren't you going to look at your cards?
- Bender: Looking at one's cards is a crutch for players who rely on skill.
- Zapp Brannigan: Bender here's identified the femdido commander as my ex-lover Turanga Leela, whom I once made love at.
- President Richard Nixon: And he's willing to fink her out for a few simoleons?
- Bender: It's not about the money, Nixon, though I'd like much more. It's 'cause Leela's a threat. A threat to my reputation~ She's committed 30 felonies in 12 star systems. If no one stops her, she'll break my record for longest rap sheet.
- President Richard Nixon: That's a despicable motive, Bender, and I respect it.
- Bender: Gracias.
- President Richard Nixon: The one secret they never suspected was that I really did stage the moon landing... on Venus!
- Dr. Zoidberg: I... I don't quite know how to say this: Fry is dead!
- Philip J. Fry: [the gang starts crying. Fry stirs, alive] Oooow.
- Dr. Zoidberg: Wait. Not dead, the other thing.
- Philip J. Fry: Six, seven, eight; lock the gate. One, two, three; turn the key. Thirty, fifty, ten; my dirty shifty friend?
- Philip J. Fry: Leela's not just a chick, she's the chick I love. But don't tell her I called her a 'chick,' or she'll kill me.