Seeing Scooby and the gang partnered with Wonder Woman immediately intrigued on first watch, really like her as a character and like what she stands for. The Scooby Doo franchise has also proven in the past that Scooby Doo and superhero characters mix very well together, proven with Blue Falcon and especially Batman and Robin. Really liked "Scooby of a Thousand Faces" on the whole on first watch, while having a few reservations like the over reliance on humour.
A few episodes of 'Scooby Doo and Guess Who' went down in my estimations, but others got better on rewatch. One example of the latter was "Scooby of a Thousand Faces", absolutely loved Scooby and Wonder Woman individually and together and the humour worked a lot better on rewatch. Criticisms were very few and those that were there were pretty minor, especially compared to some of the bigger number and more serious issues in other episodes where the guest stars dominated too much.
Great things are many. The animation has a lot of atmosphere, rich colour and even richer attention to detail. The music is dynamic and groovy, also loved the modern spin on the iconic classic theme tune for 'Scooby Doo Where are You', although it is too short. The voice acting all round ranges between very good to excellent, Matthee Lillard has continually impressed ever since he took over from Casey Kasem and this is no exception. It is amazing too at how fresh Frank Welker still sounds, despite the fact that he has been voicing Fred for over half a century and his Scooby voice has grown on me a lot. Wonder Woman is voiced with a lot of spirit and authority.
Woman Woman is a very good guest star, she has a lot of presence, is inspiring yet doesn't dominate too much (unlike for example Steve Urkel in his episode). Absolutely love her cute chemistry with Scooby. The humour works better on rewatch, it doesn't feel too much like it did on first watch. The balance is just right and all of it ranges between very amusing to hilarious, like the food jokes and in the air. There is also a good positive message about gender equality which was very identifiable and it didn't feel shoehorned in, it also fitted Wonder Woman's character beautifully as that is one of the things she stands for. Scooby imagining his life with Woman Woman was a cute touch. The villain is a cool and menacing one, with it being one of the franchise's better mythological monsters, and the setting is inspired and well animated.
It's not a perfect episode. Did think that the initial training session with the girls seemed too short, and Scooby's overly long monologue seemed out of character for him.
Again the solution is too on the obvious side and Scooby's comment about locker rooms was odd and out of place, especially within the context of the episode's message.
On the whole, very good. 8/10.